Here you will find a reading group guide with thoughtful questions to help you guide your discussion. Feel free to use them to reflect on the reading experience on your own, too.

In Good Business, Bill Novelli writes about finding purposeful work. How have you found purpose in your own work or life? How did you go about doing so?
Bill was on the front lines of the tobacco wars and was integral to stopping big tobacco from marketing cigarettes to youth. What’s an issue that you feel passionate about putting effort behind?
Throughout the book, Bill discusses the importance of developing relationships (sometimes talking and fighting!) to get things done. In your work, or in other organizations that you are involved in (church, volunteer orgs, schools), how have your relationships with co-workers or other members impacted your organization’s goals and accomplishing them?
As CEO of AARP, Bill influenced the government to add prescription drugs into Medicare. He also worked to ensure that our rapidly aging society has appropriate end-of-life care. These can be sensitive subjects. How important do you think it is for families to discuss the wishes of their older loved ones?
What should our country’s leaders be focused on? If you were in charge what would you focus on?
The last chapter addresses ‘what do we owe our grandchildren?’ What do you think we owe our future generations? Post-pandemic, has this changed?
If you had to do things differently, what changes would you make in your life, and/or career?
If you are reading Good Business with your book club, please send an email to with the date, time, and zoom link for your book club meeting because Bill wants to crash into some of them.